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Conclusions: a glass half full

As we come to a festive end of term, this blog post aims to summarise my educational journey in the field of hydro-politics in the Horn of Africa. For me, the most intriguing part of my research was the interconnectedness of water resources, which cannot be dissociated from other resources, such as energy and food, as well as a country’s relative power in the region. When looking at organisations that offer aid to water-scarce countries these interlinkages are often overlooked and have highlighted the importance of looking at the bigger picture when examining water-related issues in these countries.  I also want to point out that when starting my blog, I had not anticipated the varying levels at which the politics of water play out. I started my blog by navigating the complex relations between states that shared a transboundary water resource, such as the Nile, but soon realised that competition over water resources also materialised within state boundaries. This was exemplified b...

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